Clubs, Leagues, Rankings - from A to Z

Coleraine FC

Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland, Coleraine
World Ranking: 1107UEFA Ranking: 500Northern Ireland Ranking: 6

Detailed page of Coleraine FC, where you can find the overall ranking, game results (total matches, wins, draws, losses and goal difference), trophies and performances achieved in the last 5 years, 3 subcategorized rankings (world , continental and national), as well as the points earned for each competition in last period.

World Ranking Stats

Position: #1107
Points:109.55 pts
Position 2023:
(148.50pts) #1127

Matches data

(48%) 80
(24%) 39
(28%) 46
275 - 173

Trophies & Performances (last 5 years)


UEFA Europa League: Second Qualifying Round x1 (2021)
UEFA Europa Conference League: First Qualifying Round x1 (2022)


Northern Ireland Premiership: 2th place x1 (2021)
Northern Ireland LeagueCup: Winner x1 (2020)

Other Info

Page Views:

World Ranking #1107

1105.OmanDhofar Club109.94
1106.NorwayStromsgodset Toppfotball109.62
1107.Northern IrelandColeraine FC109.55
1108.Republic of IrelandBohemians FC109.46
1109.LuxembourgFC Differdange 03109.38

Continental Ranking #500

498.ItalyCosenza Calcio110.55
499.NorwayStromsgodset Toppfotball109.62
500.Northern IrelandColeraine FC109.55
501.Republic of IrelandBohemians FC109.46
502.LuxembourgFC Differdange 03109.38

National Ranking #6

4.Northern IrelandCrusaders FC124.26
5.Northern IrelandCliftonville FC117.04
6.Northern IrelandColeraine FC109.55
7.Northern IrelandGlenavon FC82.56
8.Northern IrelandBallymena United FC79.14

Competitions Activity for Coleraine FC

1Northern Ireland PremiershipNorthern Ireland Premiership 96.96 146723539 235 - 145 +90
2Northern Ireland LeagueCupNorthern Ireland LeagueCup 7.64 10613 28 - 14 +14
3UEFA Europa LeagueUEFA Europa League 3.75 3120 4 - 3 +1
4Northern Ireland CupNorthern Ireland Cup 1.20 3111 5 - 5 0
5UEFA Europa Conference LeagueUEFA Europa Conference League 0.00 2002 2 - 4 -2
6Northern Ireland European PlayoffsNorthern Ireland European Playoffs 0.00 1001 1 - 2 -1