Clubs, Leagues, Rankings - from A to Z

Khokh Chononuud FC

MongoliaMongolia, Ulaanbaatar
World Ranking: 4930AFC Ranking: 893Mongolia Ranking: 17

Detailed page of Khokh Chononuud FC, where you can find the overall ranking, game results (total matches, wins, draws, losses and goal difference), trophies and performances achieved in the last 5 years, 3 subcategorized rankings (world , continental and national), as well as the points earned for each competition in last period.

World Ranking Stats

Position: #4930
Points:0.00 pts
Position 2023:
(0.00pts) #5417

Matches data

(0%) 0
(0%) 0
(100%) 1
1 - 9

Trophies & Performances (last 5 years)


No international performance for Khokh Chononuud FC in last 5 years


Mongolia MFF Tsom Cup: Quarterfinals x1 (2023)

Other Info

Page Views:

World Ranking #4930

4928.LiechtensteinFC Schaan0.00
4929.UzbekistanFC Shurtan Guzar0.00
4930.MongoliaKhokh Chononuud FC0.00
4931.MoldovaUniver Oguzsport0.00
4932.ChinaSuzhou Dongwu FC0.00

Continental Ranking #893

891.East TimorLica-Lica0.00
892.UzbekistanFC Shurtan Guzar0.00
893.MongoliaKhokh Chononuud FC0.00
894.ChinaSuzhou Dongwu FC0.00
895.South KoreaGyeongnam FC0.00

National Ranking #17

13.MongoliaUlaanbaataryi Mazaalaynuud3.15
14.MongoliaAnduud City FC2.50
15.MongoliaErdenes Ilch1.20
16.MongoliaKhovd Western FC0.00
17.MongoliaKhokh Chononuud FC0.00

Competitions Activity for Khokh Chononuud FC

1Mongolia MFF Tsom CupMongolia MFF Tsom Cup 0.00 1001 1 - 9 -8