Clubs, Leagues, Rankings - from A to Z

FC Astana

KazakhstanKazakhstan, Nur-Sultan
World Ranking: 394UEFA Ranking: 167Kazakhstan Ranking: 1

Detailed page of FC Astana, where you can find the overall ranking, game results (total matches, wins, draws, losses and goal difference), trophies and performances achieved in the last 5 years, 3 subcategorized rankings (world , continental and national), as well as the points earned for each competition in last period.

World Ranking Stats

Position: #394
Points:224.41 pts
Position 2023:
(346.71pts) #321

Matches data

(54%) 75
(20%) 28
(26%) 37
231 - 165

Trophies & Performances (last 5 years)


UEFA Europa Conference League: Groups Stage x1 (2024)


Kazakhstan Premier League: Winner x1 (2022)
Kazakhstan Cup: Semifinals x2 (2022, 2023)
Kazakhstan Super Cup: Winner x2 (2020, 2023)

Other Info

Page Views:

World Ranking #394

392.ArgentinaCentral Cordoba de Santiago del Estero225.15
393.EnglandLeeds United FC224.75
394.KazakhstanFC Astana224.41
395.PeruCD Universidad Cesar Vallejo223.82
396.UruguayDefensor Sporting223.28

Continental Ranking #167

165.RomaniaCS Universitatea Craiova225.82
166.EnglandLeeds United FC224.75
167.KazakhstanFC Astana224.41
168.FranceStade de Reims221.77
169.PortugalFC Famalicao221.27

National Ranking #1

1.KazakhstanFC Astana224.41
2.KazakhstanFC Tobol199.91
3.KazakhstanFC Kairat189.32
4.KazakhstanFC Ordabasy154.23
5.KazakhstanFC Shakhter Karagandy110.76

Competitions Activity for FC Astana

1Kazakhstan Premier LeagueKazakhstan Premier League 156.32 98601919 186 - 94 +92
2UEFA Europa Conference LeagueUEFA Europa Conference League 31.10 14338 13 - 27 -14
3Kazakhstan CupKazakhstan Cup 17.60 16745 17 - 21 -4
4Kazakhstan Super CupKazakhstan Super Cup 9.79 4310 6 - 2 +4
5UEFA Champions LeagueUEFA Champions League 4.80 5113 6 - 14 -8
6UEFA Europa LeagueUEFA Europa League 4.80 3102 3 - 7 -4