Clubs, Leagues, Rankings - from A to Z

Desportivo de Gabu

World Ranking: 3834CAF Ranking: 1085Guinea Bissau Ranking: 18

Detailed page of Desportivo de Gabu, where you can find the overall ranking, game results (total matches, wins, draws, losses and goal difference), trophies and performances achieved in the last 5 years, 3 subcategorized rankings (world , continental and national), as well as the points earned for each competition in last period.

World Ranking Stats

Position: #3834
Points:4.40 pts
Position 2023:
(11.75pts) #3710

Matches data

(12%) 3
(32%) 8
(56%) 14
15 - 34

Trophies & Performances (last 5 years)


No international performance for Desportivo de Gabu in last 5 years


Campeonato Nacional da Guinea-Bissau: participation x1 (2021)

Other Info

Page Views:

World Ranking #3834

3832.RussiaFC Alania Vladikavkaz4.48
3833.East TimorAtletico Ultramar (Manatuto)4.40
3834.Guinea BissauDesportivo de Gabu4.40
3835.MaliAS Sabana (Mopti)4.40
3836.New ZealandWhanganui Athletic FC4.40

Continental Ranking #1085

1083.BeninAS Sobemap (Societe beninoise des manutentions portuaires)4.50
1084.CongoTongo FC Jambon4.50
1085.Guinea BissauDesportivo de Gabu4.40
1086.MaliAS Sabana (Mopti)4.40
1087.LiberiaSmall Town FC4.35

National Ranking #18

16.Guinea BissauCupelum FC10.10
17.Guinea BissauNuno Tristao de Bula6.30
18.Guinea BissauDesportivo de Gabu4.40
19.Guinea BissauLagartos de Bambadinca0.35
20.Guinea BissauFC Estrela de Cantanhez0.00

Competitions Activity for Desportivo de Gabu

1Campeonato Nacional da Guinea-BissauCampeonato Nacional da Guinea-Bissau 4.40 253814 15 - 34 -19