Clubs, Leagues, Rankings - from A to Z

CRKSV Jong Holland

CuracaoCuracao, Willemstad
World Ranking: 1605CONCACAF Ranking: 120Curacao Ranking: 1

Detailed page of CRKSV Jong Holland, where you can find the overall ranking, game results (total matches, wins, draws, losses and goal difference), trophies and performances achieved in the last 5 years, 3 subcategorized rankings (world , continental and national), as well as the points earned for each competition in last period.

World Ranking Stats

Position: #1605
Points:69.85 pts
Position 2023:
(95.15pts) #1626

Matches data

(60%) 53
(28%) 25
(11%) 10
167 - 71

Trophies & Performances (last 5 years)


CONCACAF Caribbean Shield: Groups Stage x1 (2023)
Carribean Club Shield: Semifinals x2 (2022,2022)


Curacao Prome Divishon: Winner x2 (2021, 2022)

Other Info

Page Views:

World Ranking #1605

1603.LebanonBourj FC70.10
1604.ItalyAC Chievo Verona69.96
1605.CuracaoCRKSV Jong Holland69.85
1606.AngolaClube Recreativo da Caala69.75
1607.LithuaniaFK Riteriai69.73

Continental Ranking #120

118.CanadaValour FC71.70
119.Dominican RepublicClub Atletico Pantoja70.30
120.CuracaoCRKSV Jong Holland69.85
121.USASt Louis City SC69.24
122.PanamaClub Deportivo del Este68.96

National Ranking #1

1.CuracaoCRKSV Jong Holland69.85
2.CuracaoRKSV Scherpenheuvel46.30
3.CuracaoCVV Inter Willemstad35.50
4.CuracaoCentro Social Deportivo Barber (CSD)29.10
5.CuracaoSV Victory Boys22.45

Competitions Activity for CRKSV Jong Holland

1Curacao Prome DivishonCuracao Prome Divishon 57.75 8049247 155 - 62 +93
2CONCACAF Caribbean ShieldCONCACAF Caribbean Shield 7.20 3201 4 - 4 0
3Carribean Club ShieldCarribean Club Shield 4.90 5212 8 - 5 +3