Clubs, Leagues, Rankings - from A to Z

AS Dakar Sacre-Coeur

SenegalSenegal, Dakar
World Ranking: 2006CAF Ranking: 427Senegal Ranking: 8

Detailed page of AS Dakar Sacre-Coeur, where you can find the overall ranking, game results (total matches, wins, draws, losses and goal difference), trophies and performances achieved in the last 5 years, 3 subcategorized rankings (world , continental and national), as well as the points earned for each competition in last period.

World Ranking Stats

Position: #2006
Points:49.70 pts
Position 2023:
(69.06pts) #2008

Matches data

(27%) 25
(40%) 36
(33%) 30
66 - 73

Trophies & Performances (last 5 years)


No international performance for AS Dakar Sacre-Coeur in last 5 years


No national performance for AS Dakar Sacre-Coeur in last 5 years

Other Info

Page Views:

World Ranking #2006

2004.BurundiBujumbura City FC49.75
2005.NigeriaWarri Wolves FC49.72
2006.SenegalAS Dakar Sacre-Coeur49.70
2007.EthiopiaWolkite City FC49.70
2008.LebanonTripoli SC (Lebanon)49.61

Continental Ranking #427

425.BurundiBujumbura City FC49.75
426.NigeriaWarri Wolves FC49.72
427.SenegalAS Dakar Sacre-Coeur49.70
428.EthiopiaWolkite City FC49.70
429.LibyaAsswehly SC49.32

National Ranking #8

6.SenegalAS Pikine56.14
7.SenegalAS Douanes (Senegal)50.98
8.SenegalAS Dakar Sacre-Coeur49.70
9.SenegalUS Goree47.52
10.SenegalGuediawaye FC44.74

Competitions Activity for AS Dakar Sacre-Coeur

1Senegal Premier LeagueSenegal Premier League 49.70 91253630 66 - 73 -7