Clubs, Leagues, Rankings - from A to Z

US Ntsaoueni

World Ranking: 3417CAF Ranking: 951Comoros Ranking: 27

Detailed page of US Ntsaoueni, where you can find the overall ranking, game results (total matches, wins, draws, losses and goal difference), trophies and performances achieved in the last 5 years, 3 subcategorized rankings (world , continental and national), as well as the points earned for each competition in last period.

World Ranking Stats

Position: #3417
Points:10.15 pts
Position 2023:
(11.60pts) #3717

Matches data

(45%) 9
(10%) 2
(45%) 9
29 - 27

Trophies & Performances (last 5 years)


No international performance for US Ntsaoueni in last 5 years


Comoros Premier League: 3th place x1 (2022)

Other Info

Page Views:

World Ranking #3417

3415.Sao Tome and PrincipesBairros Unidos FC Caixao Grande10.15
3416.EthiopiaMekelle 70 Enderta FC10.15
3417.ComorosUS Ntsaoueni10.15
3418.Puerto RicoDon Bosco FC (Puerto Rico)10.10
3419.Guinea BissauCupelum FC10.10

Continental Ranking #951

949.Sao Tome and PrincipesBairros Unidos FC Caixao Grande10.15
950.EthiopiaMekelle 70 Enderta FC10.15
951.ComorosUS Ntsaoueni10.15
952.Guinea BissauCupelum FC10.10
953.MadagascarAS Fanalamanga10.08

National Ranking #27

25.ComorosTwamaya FC11.55
26.ComorosZiarra Club (Sima)11.15
27.ComorosUS Ntsaoueni10.15
28.ComorosJuno Club (Hoani)9.35
29.ComorosAS Komorozine de Domoni9.25

Competitions Activity for US Ntsaoueni

1Comoros Premier LeagueComoros Premier League 10.15 20929 29 - 27 +2