Clubs, Leagues, Rankings - from A to Z

Perak FC

MalaysiaMalaysia, Ipoh, Perak
World Ranking: 2399AFC Ranking: 405Malaysia Ranking: 12

Detailed page of Perak FC, where you can find the overall ranking, game results (total matches, wins, draws, losses and goal difference), trophies and performances achieved in the last 5 years, 3 subcategorized rankings (world , continental and national), as well as the points earned for each competition in last period.

World Ranking Stats

Position: #2399
Points:34.28 pts
Position 2023:
(74.68pts) #1892

Matches data

(25%) 16
(19%) 12
(56%) 35
71 - 133

Trophies & Performances (last 5 years)


No international performance for Perak FC in last 5 years


No national performance for Perak FC in last 5 years

Other Info

Page Views:

World Ranking #2399

2397.ThailandLamphun Warriors FC34.32
2398.SenegalCNEPS Excellence34.32
2399.MalaysiaPerak FC34.28
2400.GuineaLoubha FC34.25
2401.HungaryDiosgyori VTK34.22

Continental Ranking #405

403.MalaysiaMelake United FC34.36
404.ThailandLamphun Warriors FC34.32
405.MalaysiaPerak FC34.28
406.MaldivesClub Valencia (Maldives)34.07
407.BhutanUgyen Academy FC33.40

National Ranking #12

10.MalaysiaPetaling Jaya City FC34.52
11.MalaysiaMelake United FC34.36
12.MalaysiaPerak FC34.28
13.MalaysiaPolis Diraja Malaysia FC (PDRM)24.68
14.MalaysiaUiTM FC15.52

Competitions Activity for Perak FC

1Malaysia Super LeagueMalaysia Super League 31.72 59151133 66 - 119 -53
2Malaysia Piala FAMalaysia Piala FA 2.56 4112 5 - 14 -9