Clubs, Leagues, Rankings - from A to Z

Emmanuel (Timor Leste)

World Ranking: 3692AFC Ranking: 644East Timor Ranking: 6

Detailed page of Emmanuel (Timor Leste), where you can find the overall ranking, game results (total matches, wins, draws, losses and goal difference), trophies and performances achieved in the last 5 years, 3 subcategorized rankings (world , continental and national), as well as the points earned for each competition in last period.

World Ranking Stats

Position: #3692
Points:6.00 pts
Position 2023:
(7.50pts) #3965

Matches data

(56%) 5
(0%) 0
(44%) 4
21 - 13

Trophies & Performances (last 5 years)


No international performance for Emmanuel (Timor Leste) in last 5 years


East Timor Primeira Divisao: 2th place x1 (2023)
East Timor Taca 12 de Novembro: Participation x1 (2020)

Other Info

Page Views:

World Ranking #3692

3690.GabonMissile FC6.06
3691.WalesAirbus UK Broughton FC6.06
3692.East TimorEmmanuel (Timor Leste)6.00
3693.North KoreaSobaeksu (Pyongyang)6.00
3694.KiribatiMarakei FC6.00

Continental Ranking #644

642.CambodiaSoltilo Angkor FC6.18
643.CambodiaPrey Veng FC6.06
644.East TimorEmmanuel (Timor Leste)6.00
645.North KoreaSobaeksu (Pyongyang)6.00
646.PakistanMuslim FC (Chaman)6.00

National Ranking #6

4.East TimorAS Ponta Leste7.85
5.East TimorAssalam FC6.95
6.East TimorEmmanuel (Timor Leste)6.00
7.East TimorAtletico Ultramar (Manatuto)4.40
8.East TimorPorto Taibesse FC3.20

Competitions Activity for Emmanuel (Timor Leste)

1East Timor Primeira DivisaoEast Timor Primeira Divisao 6.00 8503 21 - 10 +11
2East Timor Taca 12 de NovembroEast Timor Taca 12 de Novembro 0.00 1001 0 - 3 -3